Sunday, December 29, 2019

Social Acceptance And Its Impact On Adolescence - 945 Words

Social acceptance could be defined as the fact that most people, in order to fit in with others, attempt to look and act like them. Or sometimes it is the ability to accept or to tolerate differences and diversity in other people or groups of people. (Wikipedia) It is human nature to want to fit in, to be accepted by our peers. In early adolescence children start to develop the feeling of belonging. Adolescence is a transition period of late childhood and adulthood, they are beginning the maturing process, and their sexuality, physical development and finding where they fit in can be quite a challenge. Social acceptance, and the relationship with peers, family and society become complexed. Social acceptance in teens can have a positive impact and even negative impact on adolescence. Where we come from and the morals that are taught can determine which peer group one is accepted. Fitting in and meeting the right people is an important part of growing up it is an important part of life, and social interaction is the foundation of society. Everyone wants and needs to be accepted, nobody wants to be rejected. Social acceptance can be difficult because we are all trying to fit in somewhere, and the way society is today it can be very difficult to see where it is you fit in. Have you ever been rejected from other peers and wonder why that is? Or why the kid down the street may tease another child on the same block but not the one next door? Or have you wonderedShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Of A Child s Cognitive And Physical Development811 Words   |  4 Pagesand physical development. Ozretich and Bowman suggest other periods of rapid growth through middle childhood and adolescence such as moral development, self-concept, psychological and emotional traits, relationships to adults including parents, and peer relationships (2008). Undoubtedly, these dramatic psychosocial changes, when integrated with other biological fluctuations, impact children in a tremendously significant manner. For instance, puberty begins approximately between the ages of eightRead MoreYoung Person Who Is Going Through Adolescence Essay1676 Words   |  7 PagesDefined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary adolescents is â€Å"a young person who is developing into an adult: a young person who is going through adolescence† (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2016), Everyday adolescents are exposed to many ideas about their sexuality. There are several major factors that play into an individual adolescent’s views of sexuality. This dissociation between the ideas being pushed on children about sex causes confusion. Adolescents receive their sexual education and ideasRead MoreNegative and Positive Effects of Peer Relationships1564 Words   |  7 Pageshelping children through peer pressure, acceptance, and the anxiety of belonging. Yet how important is the environment that a child is raised on, this being shared or non-shared? How difficult or easy can peer pressure be? Will peer pressure help or deter a child from being functional. How much do these factors affect development from childhood to adolescence? This paper will explain the different stages of childhood to adolescence, and how a child and adolescence copes with nature and nurture . FamilyRead MoreDevelopment Stages Of Adolescence And Adolescent Sub Stages1276 Words   |  6 Pagesfollowing ways : ïÆ'Ëœ it will explain the nature and development stages of the adolescence. ïÆ'Ëœ it will enlist the development task during the adolescence . ïÆ'Ëœ it will explain the behavioral issues , challenges ,factors effecting the adolescence . ïÆ'Ëœ also discuss the gender disparity and phenomenon of the generation gap . ________________________________________ Adolescence: Concept of adolescence: adolescence is the dramatically evolving theoretical construct informed through physiologicRead MoreMiddle Childhood Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesMiddle Childhood and Adolescence University of Phoenix Human Growth and Development Jeanette Merchant August 17, 2010 Middle Childhood and Adolescence Stable and supportive families are crucial during middle childhood and adolescence development stage. Supportive family members and friends improve social development. 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Whether it’s through their education moving from middle school to high school or changes w ithin their brain as they age. Adolescents are going through puberty, hormonal changes and experimenting with different social groups within their society. The culture and the social aspects of a society can shape an adolescent into an adult, whether itRead MoreGender Segments And Sex Groups During Childhood And Early Adolescence1475 Words   |  6 PagesIntro: Gender cleavage refers to the tendency for children of the same gender to self-segregate into two same-sex groups, male and female. This phenomenon appears to be a primary factor influencing social and cognitive development during childhood and early adolescence. The peer-reviewed article discussed in this paper focuses on gender cleavage in addition to age-related variances and sex differences during middle childhood. Peer-Review Article: The main point of the article is to analyze cross-sectionalRead MoreChildhood Depression And Its Effects On The Levels Of Self Esteem And The Link Between Depression1567 Words   |  7 Pagesperformance of adolescence. Historically, adolescences were not considered a candidate for depression mostly because of Freudian notions about unconscious, depression had been viewed as a condition which only affected adults. (Numley, 1996). Views on adolescent depression have changed significantly even since the 1970 s where childhood depression was thought to be masked by other conditions (Kahn, 1995). The debate continues, even today, as to whether other childhood and adolescence behaviors areRead MoreSocial Anxiety And Its Effects On The World1738 Words   |  7 Pages most being specific to certain things or situations. Social anxiety is listed differently in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.), with criteria almost identical to those of social phobia with the exception that the fear be out of proportion in frequency and/or duration (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Its symptoms range from blushing and profuse sweating to heart palpitations and panic attacks. Social anxiety is one of the top psychological problems in the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving - 711 Words

Being able to drive is a dream come true, that can easily become a nightmare that you are never wake up from. The state of Florida is trying to make drivers aware of the dangers that come with distracted driving. Texting and driving is one of the biggest problems America is facing at the moment. Many people, especially teenagers, are dying from distractive driving. The state of Florida decided that they wanted to help with this problem and made it illegal to text and drive. They have also put up billboards all over the state to remind drivers about the law and the consequences of distractive driving. Not only could you be harming yourself but you could also harm others if you decide to text and drive. Do us all a favor and put your†¦show more content†¦There have been television commercials about the deadly effects of distracted driving, the state made it illegal to text and drive, and while driving there are billboards to remind you. Florida has done its part to try to ke ep you safe, now it’s up to you. Florida is the second worst state for distracted driving. Yes, there is a law that states texting and driving is illegal but it’s not enforces as much as it should be. After researching, I found that no points are added to your license after the first offense, two points are added to primary offense (e.g.speeding) if texting occurred in a school zone, and six points are added to your license if the texting offense resulted in a crash. The law also states that in order to get in trouble for this offense you must have committed two offenses. That caught the attention of the civilians and they are now wondering how effective this law actually is. Knowing that you’re able to get away with very minor penalties with that law, people are worried that others may not respect this law like it needs to be. People are wanting to improve the law to make it stricter which is understandable but everything takes time and Florida is doing the best they can with the hand they got dealt. When people enter the car they don’t think about getting into an accident. Nobody expects to be hit from distractive driving but it does happen. The state of Florida is doing everything inShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Texting And Driving704 Words   |  3 Pagesnothing worth being on the phone while driving. Put it down and enjoy the view. Driving with a phone should be illegal because by being on the phone people put themselves and other innocent lives in danger, drivers also risk the chance of getting a ticket, and it affects their driving. Everyday, thirty three hundred thousand people send texts, calls, or anything to communicate with other people while driving. Everytime a person picks up a phone while driving, it is like playing Russian Roulette withRead MorePersuasive Essay On Texting And Driving1385 Words   |  6 Pages Could you live with the knowledge that you deciding to pick up your phone while driving a vehicle caused someone to be injured or be killed? Texting and driving puts others around you and even your passengers at risk of being involved in an accident. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and focus away from the road. All new drivers are taught not to text and drive, but they continue to do it even though they know it is dangerous. Teens and adults today have troubleRead MorePersuasive Speech: Driving While Texting Essay724 Words   |  3 Pagesboyfriend, but you over sleep. You wake up all panicy, youre already an hour late. You don’t want them to think you stood them out so you don’t even bother changing your clothes or fixing your hair. So you jet off in a rush and head to the car. As you’re driving you decide to send them a text to let them know you didn’t forget and you’re on your way†¦ little did you kno w you were on your way to the hospital, with a pit stop at the county jail. It turns out that in those 2 seconds where you were looking atRead MorePersuasive Speech Plan: Driving While Texting Essay991 Words   |  4 PagesPersuasive Speech Plan Topic: Texting while driving is dangerous to you and others. General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience not to drive and text. When I have finished my speech, my audience will be able to see why driving and texting is dangerous to themselves as well as others. Central Idea: Persuade others not to text and drive because it is very dangerous. Persuasive Proposition: (Statement of Fact, Value, or Policy) Statement of fact andRead MoreBUS 303: A Persuasive and Descriptive Essay on Traffic on Freeway1838 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Persuasive and Descriptive Essay The loud screech of brakes and chaos of cars madly attempting to avoid hitting each other froze the rush hour traffic to a standstill in pure fear. You could literally smell the burned rubber, fuel and fear in the hot afternoon sun. In an instant of extreme paranoia all the drivers on the freeway stopped and looked to see what had nearly caused at least four cars to go hurtling into each other. In the fast lane sat a young man chatting on his cell phone andRead MoreDistracted Driving Annotated Bibliography1727 Words   |  7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Distracted Driving. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013. In this article â€Å"Distracted Driving†, many distractions are mentioned other than just cell phone usage, such as changing the radio station or driving with kids in the back seat. It is stated that the dangers from distracted driving are because of the decrease in brain function and inability to pay full attention to the road. These practicesRead MoreTexting and Driving Essay1063 Words   |  5 PagesChantay Lowe English 1301 Persuasive Essay People should be cited for texting while driving because not only are drivers putting themselves in danger but also everyone else around them. Statistics have indicated that over 6,000 deaths and well over half a million injuries have occurred due to drivers using cell phones in 2011 alone. Drivers sending or receiving test messages take their eyes off of the road for at least five seconds which is enough time to cover an entire football fieldRead MoreAnalysis Of Cellphones By Rex Murphy1386 Words   |  6 PagesThe essay, Cellphones by Rex Murphy is an informal persuasive essay on the topic of cell phones and how distracting they are. The essay is a cause and effect essay that implicitly conveys the thesis, arguing that cell phones are distracting and inhibit driving. The writer attempts to use humour mixed with a very negative tone to raise awareness among Toronto citizens of the dangers of cell phones, following the movement that calls for cell phones to be banned in cars in T oronto. Although distractedRead MoreArguementative Eassy on Dependent on Technology1092 Words   |  5 PagesPersuasive Essay: Have people become overly dependent on technology? Technology. Perhaps youve heard of it. Perhaps you have spent every single day sitting placing your head in a fixed position in front of a bright laptop computer screen, clicking away as countless hours pass through your fingers. Perhaps youve spent pondering over the conditions of your thumbs after ruthlessly throwing them about on your latest piece of phone technology, endlessly texting friends upon friends about useless subjectsRead MoreThe Effects of Texting on Literacy: Is It Corrupting Language?3736 Words   |  15 PagesTHE EFFECTS OF TEXTING ON LITERACY: Is it corrupting language? 1.0 INTRODUCTION What’s SMS? SMS first appeared in GSM in about 1991. SMS later appeared in CDMA and TDMA networks. Mobile Origination (MO) - a key feature of SMS, allowing the user to originate SMS messages from the handset - has only became available to non-GSM users in 2000. Ask a kid anywhere in the world, he or she would tell it is form of talking to another person(s), with a cell phone using letters and not words. SMS means

Friday, December 13, 2019

Someone I Admire Free Essays

Among the teachers I have encountered through my school life, Mrs. Smith is the one that I most admire. She was one of my English teachers in junior high. We will write a custom essay sample on Someone I Admire or any similar topic only for you Order Now In contrast to other teacher’s apathy, her vitality always refreshed the atmosphere in our classroom. Moreover, her enthusiasm and thoughtfulness warms my heart to this day. Mrs. Smith’s charisma won everyone’s appreciation soon after she began teaching us. Since she was not our first English teacher, everyone had a skeptical eye on her in our very first class. Sensing our doubts, she began the class with a guessing-people game. She asked us to write down characteristics about ourselves on a small piece of paper, which was read aloud to the class as a clue to identify the person. We had great fun that day due to her ingenuity to grasp what we wanted. Afterwards, the contempt students used to hold toward her was nowhere to be found. The energy and passion Mrs. Smith possessed when teaching was unbelievable. The more days she spent with us, the more I noticed a distinctive quality of hers that truly amazed me. No matter what the weather was like and how she was feeling, she was always in high spirits when she entered the classroom, as if she was ecstatic to see us. Besides, she encouraged us to interact with her; therefore, the class was by no means serious and tense, but very enjoyable and inspiring. Mrs. Smith used clever techniques to arouse our interest in learning English. Quizzes are an indispensable element of a class, but Mrs. Smith added them with her own illustrations to make them more fascinating. She also printed many handouts, adorned with her amusing drawings, to provide the information missing in the textbook for us. In short, she had the magic to transform something painstaking into something pleasurable. Furthermore; she introduced lots of English songs to us in her class. Whenever we started a new lesson, she would come up with songs whose themes or lyrics were related to what we were learning. The songs were so fantastic that everyone took delight in listening to them and enhancing our vocabulary from the lyrics. Through her instruction, my love for English that year was resurrected. The consideration Mrs. Smith showed us outside of the classroom was moving. The third year of junior high was difficult to most of us, for studying was the only proper thing we could in order to prepare ourselves for high school. Exhausted from the schoolwork, some students were extremely depressed. Mrs. Smith perceived their low spirits and encouraged students to go to her office and talk about their problems. Incredibly, she became the spiritual pillar of the class. Moreover, she intervened in disputes among students and cheered for us in every tournament at sports meets. Another unforgettable thing she did was write a card for every student at Christmas. I was close to tears when she handed the card to me, for no other teacher had ever treated me with the consideration that she did. Mrs. Smith has created the model of an excellent teacher to me. Her teaching skills and attentiveness are etched eternally in my mind. Now when I teach students, I strive for devoting the best of my patience and effort in honor of her. How to cite Someone I Admire, Papers Someone I Admire Free Essays My inspiration is a fictional character and one of the three protagonists of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, Hermione Jean Granger. We will write a custom essay sample on Someone I Admire or any similar topic only for you Order Now One reason I admire her is because she’s got prodigious intellect and cleverness. She also inspires me because she is always so kind to everybody. Hermione was nearly twelve when she first attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is a Muggle-born, who come from non-magical families. However, she became an overachiever who excels academically. She is the first student to master any spell or charm introduced in classes and even from more advanced years. She is also the first one to be able to cast non-verbal spells. Probably her greatest achievement was when she became a Gryffindor prefect who has been given extra authority and responsibilities by the Head of House and Headmaster in her fifth and sixth years. Another reason I admire her is because she is a very good person. She is sympathetic to others and quick to help them, especially those who are defenceless, such as Neville Longbottom, House-Elves, fellow Muggle-borns, half-giants like Hagrid, and werewolves like Lupin. To sum up, Hermione is my inspiration because she is so intelligent and good. She is an exceptionally talented young witch. She received ten highest marks in eleven Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. I always want to be the person that people love and respect as her. . She always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done. Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry and is described as a â€Å"very logical, upright and good† character Hermione is horrified by the cruelty that house-elves suffer, and founds S. P. E. W. the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, as an effort to gain basic rights for them She begins her post-Hogwarts career by working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she is instrumental in greatly improving the lives of house-elves; she later moves higher up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement while ensuring the eradication of oppressive pro-pureblood laws There’s somet hing about her fierce intellect coupled with a complete lack of understanding of how she affects people sometimes that I just find charming and irresistible to write Hermione’s most prominent features include her prodigious intellect and cleverness. She is levelheaded, book-smart and is very good with logic. She is often bossy yet unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends—a person who can be counted on Hermione is a person that â€Å"never strays off the path; she always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done. Hermione has an extremely compassionate side to her personality and is quick to help others, especially those who are defenceless, such as Neville Longbottom, first-years, House-Elves, fellow Muggle-borns, half-giants like Hagrid, and werewolves like Lupin Hermione is also very protective of her friends and values them so much that Rowling has suggested that, if Hermione had looked in the Mirror of Erised, she would have seen Harry, Ron, and herself â€Å"alive and unscathed, and Voldemort finished. [42] Hermione has also learned to ignore what bullies such as Malfoy say to her, often preventing Harry and Ron from retaliating and thinking of some way to outsmart him. She accepts her status as a Muggle-born witch, and states in Deathly Hallows that she is â€Å"a Mudblood and proud of it† Hermione is an exceptionally talented young witch. She received eleven O. W. L. s and ten Outstandings is repeatedly the first student to master any spell or charm introduced in classes and even from more advanced years She is also the first one to be able to cast non-verbal spells despite being born to Muggle parents, Hermione’s magical abilities are innate How to cite Someone I Admire, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Antony Lost Against Octavian free essay sample

After all, he was in fact the great Julius Caesar’s second in command. Through much of the internal conflict of his time, he did astoundingly maintain at least some support in Rome. However, his failing to acknowledge Octavian’s military and political potential was his first mistake. Octavian learned that as Julius Caesar’s adopted great nephew, he was entitled to be the legal principle heir of all that belonged to Caesar. Although taking on such a role was a high risk to his own safety, making him a target by association with Caesar and his agenda, he pressed forward with an insatiable ambition. Possibly driven by the Roman cursus honorum, a lust for power and riches, and a desire for avenging the death of his great uncle, Octavian already had an advantage from the beginning. The citizens of Rome were promised a sum of money, but had been refused payment by Antony. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Antony Lost Against Octavian or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The young New Caesar stepped in and raised his own money by selling his land and giving it to the people. Though only a mere 18 or 19 years of age, had not served in any Roman political capacity, nor had any military achievements under his belt, young Octavian had managed to muster up some support in Rome using only his newly assumed name, Caesar, and his overly liberal donations to the people. He was their connection to their beloved general, Julius Caesar, the â€Å"son of a god. † Octavian began to reinforce his strength with his personal forces with Caesars former loyal veterans. Underscoring his status as heir to Caesar and armed with a rising, dedicated military force of his own, he boldly marched to Rome. It was now that he was a definite political threat to Antony. However, Antony seemingly ignored this fact as he remained away from Rome in the east. Another major reason for losing was his lack of political support from Rome. Generally many viewed him as a brilliant general. He had a reputation of fighting alongside his own comrades at the front line, right in the heat of battle. This fact curried the favor of his legions from the ground up. Conversely, others viewed his personal life as detrimental to his reputation and by extension his ability to be a successful leader. Even prior to the assassination of Julius Caesar, he was slowly digging his own political grave. Plutarch reports that he was lazy, had a bad temper, and cavorted other men’s wives. His personal lifestyle later led to his lack of support from the general populace and the senate. It is reported that Cicero, an oratory enemy, stated that general members of society who are upright and moral â€Å"intensely disliked him, and were disgusted† by his drunkenness, making a showy display of his extravagances, and frolicking other men’s women. Ciceros speeches and publication of propaganda against Antony deeply impacted the Senates view of him. In fact, an army was sent to defeat him for bullying Lepidus in Cisalpine Gaul, whom Rome viewed as the rightful governor. It was largely Cicero’s oratory speeches that shifted the public opinion to such an extent that the Senate was moved to declare him an enemy of the state, driving him out of Italy. In the end, Antony loses his reputation and support from the state, something every rising, successful commander needs in order to survive and thrive in Roman politics. If only he would have remained in Rome, he could have at least had the opportunity to defend his position as Caesar’s second in command and repaired his reputation. However, in his absence, it was Octavian and Cicero who was there to slowly demolish his chances at political and military success. The alleged poor choice of habits that governed his personal affairs were generally recognized as a trigger for the increased factional schisms that eventually would prove injurious to his political career and ultimately an desertion from the Senate. Antony’s dealings with Cleopatra and Egypt proved to further soil his reputation among the Romans. His abandonment of the beloved Octavia, his legal Roman wife, in lieu of Cleopatra, a foreigner, didn’t sit well with the general public opinion in Rome. After having twins and yet another son with Cleopatra, he was deeply indebted to her, possibly both emotionally and politically. Onlookers must have imagined how such attachment must have been negatively viewed as deeds of a traitor in Rome. To top it all off, although by illegal means by Octavian it was later realized that Antony had secretly recorded in his will that the kingdoms conquered by Egyptian warfare be divvied up to the Egyptians, not Rome. This fact further alienated Antony as what he truly was, an enemy of the state, eliminating any possible assistance from Rome. As Rome hears the news, Octavian is gathering more and more backing from Rome in pursuit of Antony. In what some would say is the deciding battle in the drama with Antony and Octavian, two large forces collide at Actium in western Greece in 31 B.